This page looks bald, bland and empty.  I know... It just shows how busy I've been working on the code! :)

Well, here it is, an early release of Frisky (v 0.1). This is by no means complete or without bugs. Some of the GUI items have been created, but the main part, the event manager, is still not complete. Here are the things to remember:

-This in NOT A USABLE release.

-The event manager is in progress. If you still want to write your own, you are welcome to do so.

- This is not complete. Just to give developers an idea of how the code will look like so they can analyze it and start working on other features if they want.

-As of now, there is nothing "fast" about Frisky. The speed improvement will come from the event manager. The event manager has to be able to decide very quickly when/where/which item was clicked or when/where/which item the mouse is over etc.

You can download Frisky at:

Here are screenshots of what it looks like at this point. The screen-shots show the main window (Panel) witha child panel which has a clickable button in it. Inside the main panel, there is also a checkbox. The two screen-shots are Before/after clicking the checkbox just to show it actually works.

Before Click After Click

If you want to join in, or simply want to ask something, contact me at:

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